
5 Benefits of Vinyasa-Flow Yoga

  Yoga, that ancient 5000 year-old science-of-the-mind, first set-down in written form some 2500 years ago, by the great Sage Patanjali, is now a staple part of many Brits lives.  The many benefits are well-known and well documented and an actual embodied, lived experience to the 500,000 Brits who practice it regularly and at [...]

Yoga for Insomnia

  For many, this time of year can be extra stressful as we hurtle towards Christmas with all of the extra demands on our time, being unable to drift-off to sleep at night can add to and compound the problem and send us into a vicious cycle.  Your mind seems to be overly active [...]

Breath-work e-course

Breath-work e-course to help relieve stress and anxiety I’m super excited to announce that my new e-course to help relieve stress and anxiety is now live!  As a valued member of my community, I want you to be the first to know.  Here are some things you’re going to learn in the course which [...]

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